Accounting app

UX design for a complex accounting app.

UX Design
web design, ux design


In early 2022, I worked on a designing the UX of an accounting app. I have zero knowledge about accounting and learned a lot throughout the process.

The problem

We need to build an accounting app that have a UX tailored for the company emplyees. There are a lot of accounting and booking apps out there, but either the app is too simple or complex.

Research and Discovery

If I feel that my knowledge in the product’s space is too little or not at all, I include a research and discovery phase in the first few weeks.

The goal of this phase is:

It was so new that I’ve to print a few documents and study in detail about the nature of the project. It was fun and challenging at the same time.

Illustration 1Illustration 2Illustration 3

I took notes and asked question which resulted in a large Google Sheet. The team helped to answer all my questions.

Research and discovery phase discussion.


After that, I worked on a wireframe for every flow in the app. Here are a few examples:

Overview wireframeFixed assets wireframeExpenses wireframe

Doing the reserarch & discovery phase helped me a lot during the wireframing process. I was already thinking like an accountant.

Once that is done, we went to the UI design.

UI Design

Overview wireframeFixed assets wireframeExpenses wireframe
Overview wireframeFixed assets wireframeExpenses wireframe

Once we settled in to a design diection, I started having components for almost everything in the UI.

From there, we moved on to the rest of the app design. For privacy reasons, I can’t show the rest of the screens, but here are some of them at a glance.

Thank you for watching. Let’s work on something together!